Guide to Programs & Resources

** Many of these programs are currently modified or are on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We plan to offer these programs as they become available again this 2021-2022 school year**

“El que habla dos idiomas vale por dos.”

After School Programs

These programs are offered throughout the school year as after-school activities for groups of interested children for a fee. Activities include organized sports, arts, music, cooking, etc. Each session runs for several weeks. The program utilizes parent and/or teacher volunteers to support the individual instructors during these interval sessions. The sign up information for these programs is listed on Konstella.


The purpose of the Associated Student Body is to encourage a high standard of scholarship, to promote order and discipline, and to foster cooperation between the administration, staff and student body. The ASB provides students with the opportunity to participate in the planning and execution of activities and to learn constructive leadership procedures.

Student government activities are organized on two levels–school-wide and by grade level. All students enrolled are represented through ASB. Students are encouraged to actively take part in the decision-making processes that concern and affect them. Also, ASB provides a comprehensive, multi-dimensional student activity program that strives to meet the diversified needs and interest of all the students.

Art Corps

ART CORPSTM is a comprehensive, developmental curriculum, which teaches artistic fundamentals by bringing process-oriented, hands-on art experiences to the classroom. The success of this program depends upon parent volunteers who are trained in onsite workshops to teach art in the classroom. Art gives our children a unique opportunity to react to their environment and to develop individuality and self-esteem. To learn more about this program, visit:

Annual Art Show

The annual Art Show will demonstrate the unique art program that is guided by our volunteers. An Art Gallery is set up in our School Library, which displays at least one piece of art by each Longfellow student.

Back to School Night

This is a chance for parents and guardians to meet the teachers and learn about what will be covered during the school year. As a reminder, teachers in Grades K-2 will not speak English in front of students. Back to School Night is for parents and guardians only.

Before- and After-School YMCA “Character Builders” Program

The YMCA is an accredited childcare facility that is independent from Longfellow school. The YMCA “Character Builders” program offers assistance with homework, plans arts and crafts, and oversees sports and academic games for children. Supervision is available before school from 6 am to 9 am and again after school until 6 pm. There is a sliding scale fee for this program. More information is available on the YMCA website.


Transportation is provided for eligible students who attend a magnet program outside of their neighborhood school boundaries if they live within district boundaries. Please visit our district’s Transportation Department website for further information or you may call: 858-496-8460.


We have an onsite full-service cafeteria that offers healthy meals at reasonable prices which rank above the USDA standards. The Free and Reduced Lunch Program is available for students that qualify. 

Meals can be prepaid by MasterCard, VISA or Discover Card using the PayPAMS meal payment system. Call 1-888-994-5100 (automated phone system) or visit food and nutrition services and select the link pre-payment for meals, or To set up an account you will need your child’s student ID number.

To Prepay at School – You may send payment to school with your child by indicating their name on the envelope, or you may hand deliver the payment directly to the school cafeteria. You may submit either cash or checks made payable to Longfellow Cafeteria.

Campus Improvement

Founded by active members of Los Compadres interested in improving the overall campus appearance and enriching our children’s learning experiences, parents/guardians volunteer their time throughout the year to make this happen.  The team works together to establish and maintain school gardens, integrate and enhance curriculums and teach environmental awareness while also improving the aesthetic appearance of our school’s campus.  Supplies and events are supported through fundraising and grant writing. Previous accomplishments include a mosaic wall, the purchase of new athletic equipment, outdoor tables, planting gardens and beautifying the school.

Character Development

The “Learning for Life” program began at Escuela Longfellow the 2008-2009 academic year. This educational program is designed to help our students meet the challenges of growing up by teaching character development and good decision-making skills and then linking those skills to the real world. There are age-appropriate and grade-specific lesson plans provided to our teachers. Each lesson plan also includes a “Home/Family Activity Worksheet” which teachers send to the student’s parent/guardian as an extension activity in order to reinforce the lesson plan in the home environment.

Coffee with the Principal

On the last Friday of each month, members of the Longfellow community are invited to have coffee and a light breakfast with our school principal. This event takes place virtually (see links sent out on Konstella). The atmosphere is casual and topics for discussion can be suggested by anyone.

Cultural Arts/Assemblies

These are a variety of grade-level approved educational assemblies scheduled throughout the school year for our students. They are designed to further their development in the Visual and Performing Arts as well as reinforce the school curriculum. Traditionally, each grade attends at least two assemblies per school year. Assemblies include performances such as drama troupes, musicians and authors. Additionally, there are speakers who address subjects such as the environment, history and science.

Dia del Maestro

A week of planned activities and events where parents and students show their appreciation to the entire staff (teachers, aides, librarians, administration, custodial and kitchen staff) for all they do. With the assistance of a team of volunteers and sponsorship of the Los Compadres, students are encouraged to do simple and kind things for the staff each day, such as writing a thank you note, providing a small gift, and making and displaying school decorations. Los Compadres sponsors some activities, including a celebratory off-campus lunch.

Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos is holiday tradition dating back more than 3,000 years ago honoring and celebrating those who have passed on. The traditions and rituals vary by country and region and several classrooms provide a display that represents a particular regional tradition. The festival provides several hands-on crafts, classroom displays, entertainment, food, drinks and games for all. For more information on the holiday, we invite you to visit author Mary Andrade’s website at Ms. Andrade has visited Longfellow twice and our library has several of her books.

El Baile de Longfellow

An annual community dance for all Longfellow students and their families. Admission is FREE for this on campus event.

Family Dinner Nights

Most families go out to eat at least once a month, Why not join others from our community to build and grow relations while knowing that it will benefit the school? Approximately one night per month Los Compadres sponsors Family Dinner Night at a restaurant location that is willing to give back a percentage of their profits from our purchases. This is a fundraiser as well as a community builder.

Field Trips

Each grade level usually has a minimum of two educational field trips each year. These are planned and coordinated by the teacher.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

This program provides for differentiation of content, process, product, and learning environment commensurate with the abilities and talents of GATE students in order to create life-long learners. More information is available on the district website.

Guidance Assistant

The guidance assistant works with and assists the School Counselor.

Hope Fund

The Hope Fund was developed to help members of the Longfellow community in need.  The money donated to this account will help assure that students continue to come to school in spite of hardships that might make attendance difficult.  It is designed to protect our children’s opportunity to learn.

One teacher and one parent from the Compadres will accept requests for assistance and then all requests will need the approval of the principal before money will be spent from the Hope Fund account.

Instrumental Music

This is a district-sponsored program that brings an instrumental music instructor to the school weekly to give lessons to specific grade levels.

Kinder Events

This team plans and promotes Kindergarten events throughout the school year and works closely with the teachers. Events will include Kinder Picnic and Kinder Carnival.

Kinder Welcome Picnic

The Kindergarten Welcome Picnic takes place at the beginning of the school year, usually at a public park near the Longfellow campus. The picnic is a wonderful opportunity for new members of the Longfellow community to meet others and learn about the school while having fun with games and activities. It also allows the chance for Kindergarten children to meet kids that are in other kinder classrooms.

Kinder Carnival

This carnival is held around Halloween. The kindergarten children are encouraged to dress in their costumes and participate in a small parade. Also, each classroom sets up a booth with games or crafts. All the kindergarten children rotate through the various activities, receive small treats, and make crafts to take home.

Kinder Promotion

Kinder teachers plan an end-of-the-year promotion celebration for kinder students and their families.

Kindergarten “Meet and Greet” Orientation

New incoming parents and students have the opportunity to meet the principal, administration and teachers. They will have the opportunity to get a taste of all that Escuela Longfellow has to offer. They will be introduced to the school and its history and given information about how to get around the campus. They will meet the Los Compadres Executive Board and have the Helping Hands Team available to assist and answer any questions and concerns that may have.


Konstella is a PTO run website that provides up-to-date information about school events where you can also join and participate in the Longfellow community.  Parents/guardians can join their child’s classroom group to meet and communicate with fellow parents/guardians.  Konstella also has committees where you can volunteer and make a difference for students at Longfellow.  To learn more, please email VP Communications.


We are proud to have a school library containing a wonderful collection of fiction, non-fiction and reference materials, offered both in Spanish and English. 

Longfellow’s Birthday

On February 27th of each year, we celebrate the birthday of our school’s namesake, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Children make art projects and participate in dramatic activities such as poetry readings and short plays to honor the English poet. We have large cards displayed in the center courtyard that allow children, teachers, staff and parents to display their birthday wishes or artwork. We also have cake served in celebration of Longfellow’s birthday.

Los Compadres Monthly Meetings

Los Compadres board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month on the school campus unless otherwise stated. All members of the community are encouraged to come and discuss their ideas. The Executive Board will provide the community with an agenda prior to meetings. Once all general board matters have been discussed, small teams may break out to plan their programs and events.

Lost and Found

Lost items that are unidentified will be held in the Lost and Found for 60 days. The Lost and Found is located in the school cafeteria. After 60 days, items that are unclaimed will be donated to a charity.

Men’s Club

This group of Longfellow fathers helps support school and community needs. They often help set up, plan, and coordinate campus events.


Longfellow offers an assortment of spirit wear and memorabilia. T-shirts, sweatshirts, magnets etc. are sold at most of Longfellow’s events and programs. 

Middle School Events

This team works closely with teachers to plan and promote the Middle School (Grades 6-8) events throughout the school year. Events include a beginning-of-the-year picnic or bonfire and graduation ceremonies and celebrations.

Minimum Days

Every Wednesday and Parent-Teacher Conference Days (held twice each school year) are minimum days for students. Grades K-5 will start school at their regularly scheduled time and will dismiss at 12:45 pm. Grades 6-8 will start school at their regularly scheduled time and dismiss at 12:58 p.m. Buses on such days will depart promptly after school lets out. See the school’s master calendar on the school’s website for more information.

Multicultural Festival

The Multicultural Festival is an all-school event held at the end of the school year. Each grade performs a traditional dance from a different country. The teachers select and choreograph the dance, and students study the history and culture of its origin. All families and friends are welcome to come and watch the children perform. Food is available, and a percentage of the profits are used to support the festival.

NACI “Niños Ayudando Comunidades Internacionales”

NACI is Escuela Longfellow’s service committee bringing students, teachers, and parents together to serve our global community. NACI, which means “I was born,” stands for Niños Ayudando Comunidades Internacionales (Children Helping International Communities). NACI provides fun and engaging opportunities to contribute to our local and global community. Through service, our caring Longfellow community will take action to make our world a better place, while helping our children to develop community awareness and the skills to make a difference.

Parent Tours

This is an opportunity for parents to visit the classrooms and school campus to observe what students at Longfellow are learning and how teachers instruct so that parents can determine if this magnet program is a good fit for their child. Tours are scheduled for both Elementary and Middle School. Please see the master calendar for times and dates on the school’s website.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Formal Parent-Teacher Conferences are held according to the master calendar schedule.  During parent-teacher conference days, the students will be dismissed according to the Minimum Day schedule. Conferences are an opportunity to review your children’s progress with their teachers. Additional conferences can be arranged directly with your child’s teacher as needed.

Physical Education

All students have a scheduled amount of time for physical education (PE) each week. While actively participating in age appropriate physical activities, students are taught sportsmanship skills.

Red Ribbon Week

The Red Ribbon campaign is the oldest, largest and most recognized drug prevention program in the nation. Red Ribbon Week is intended to demonstrate a unified and viable commitment to the creation of a drug-free school and community. Children in all grade levels at Longfellow are encouraged to participate in drug-prevention activities. This week’s programs promote a drug-free lifestyle. Activities include spirit days, kick-off assembly, campus decorations, and red-bracelet distribution. The activities and events are planned by a team of students, teachers, and parents.

Resource Specialist

The resource specialist is a teacher that supports the classroom learning with services that can include individual consultations, pull-out services, co-teaching, and learning centers. This teacher works with IEP students who are eligible for services.

Rolling Reader

This is a wonderful way for a parent or family member to spend time in the classroom. Parents coordinate with the teacher to read to the class. They discuss what book is to be read with the teacher ahead of time. English or Spanish books can be read. There are some Rolling Reader books available in the school library. Parents can also bring stories from home or the local library.

Running Program (Running Club)

The Longfellow Running Club is a popular program that allows children to run and/or walk laps on the field before school. This promotes and encourages physical fitness and healthy living. Parent volunteers support this program each day.

Science Events

This team works closely with the teachers, administrators and the Vice-President of Educational Enrichment to research programs that can enhance science education. These programs may include student science projects, in-class science activities, field trips, and the popular Family Science Night.

School Psychologist

The school psychologist provides a broad range of services to the school. This person has specialized training in child development and knowledge of the educational and physiological foundations of human behavior, of research as it applies to educational practices, and of students’ social and cultural foundations.

School Site Council (SSC)/Site Governance Team (SGT)

The School Site Council is an elected team made up of parents, staff and administrators. The SSC plans school goals and objectives, reviews and approves program modifications, monitors progress and evaluates outcomes. The SSC ensures that the school meets the needs of special student populations. The SSC is also responsible for categorical funding, such as Title I, Second Language and GATE. The Site Governance Team is an advisory body on issues other than major categorical programs. Longfellow’s SGT makes recommendations to improve the quality of education and working life at Longfellow. Elected parents serve in both groups. All meetings are open and parents and guardians are welcome to attend.

Skate Night

This is a “FUNraiser”, not a “FUNDraiser.” Roller and in-line skating parties are held once or twice a year at a local roller rink. This is a fun night for the whole family and school community.

Silent Auction

The Silent Auction is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year and is held in the spring. It is our annual Adult Night Out. Each classroom provides a basket of items for the auction. Businesses, friends, and families donate items for auction. Volunteers on this team and members of the Longfellow community solicit local businesses for items or monetary donations that can be added to baskets or used in our live auction.

Supportive Services

District supported staff members work on site with students who have IEPs.

Speech & Language Specialist

This person works on site with students who have a variety of speech-related disorders.

Student Photos

The school community will have the opportunity to purchase individual and classroom portraits taken by a professional photographer. Photos are taken twice a year–in the fall and in the spring.

Student Tiles

Beautiful tiles create mosaics around our campus. The tiles have been created by families and students of Longfellow. These tiles represent our diverse community.

Teacher Liaison

This position is filled by a teacher volunteer that will be the voice for all Longfellow teachers at the Los Compadres meetings. The Teacher Liaison conveys message to the Executive Board. This teacher should attend all Los Compadres community meetings. The teacher will also meet and communicate with teacher representatives.

Teacher Representatives

Three teacher representatives act as the liaison to all teachers, students and administrators. They will be grouped as follows: Grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. They are not required to attend board meetings but are welcome. They will communicate with the Teacher Liaison to keep informed of concerns and needs, so the Teacher Liaison can present their ideas to the Executive Board.

Winter Holiday Program

This event is planned and directed by the teachers of Longfellow. Each grade level performs a song that is sung in Spanish. All families are invited to come.


The yearbook staff takes an elective course to plan and produce the school’s annual yearbook. While the staff is Middle School students, the yearbook represents the whole school and is available for all students to purchase.

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